
A 60 page photography book by Nico Prada.bfx

Full Color Print on Glossy Paper

All photos taken on 35mm film

Staple Bound, 8.5 x 11"

Before moving away from home off to the big city, I took a trip with my family down the very bottom of Colombia into the Amazon Rainforest.
Based around the town of Leticia, the area is a tri-border region next to Ecuador and Brazil. The population living within the cities nearby, mostly descendents of the Ticuna tribe, highlight the delicate balance in between indigenous culture interacting with modern technology. Delving into the landscape, one can see how the jungle fluctuates back and forth from power and beauty into fear and destruction. There are many forces shaping the future of the rainforest today.

Most of this book is a gentle observation from the outside looking in, a quick glance into how people live within and around the rainforest.

There were so many magical moments uncaptured on this trip, as one of my first photographic adventures. This book accents a time period right in between leaving my hometown and stepping into a new world, a sort of pause in between the fabric of reality. Searching for an ancestral blessing, for some sort of magical protection from the captivity of unbridled capitalism.

Throughout the book there are photos of my family, exploring the world as they were meant to do.

Thank you for your time, I hope you enjoy the photos.


Nico Prada.bfx

Virtually Nothing Productions

We’re Only Together For So Long
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